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clubpenguin parent update

Dear Parent, Club Penguin - Parent Update

There are exciting things going on in Club Penguin this month, and it's all about Puffles! - The adorable (and sometimes silly) pets penguins adopt, care for and play with.

Pet Adoption

Pet Adoption
To help them find the puffle that's just right for them your child can take the Adoption Quiz located in the newly renovated Pet Shop. Each time they adopt a new puffle they'll receive an adoption certificate! Find out if your child has any puffles, what their names are and how they play with them.

Caring For Pets

Caring For Pets
Inside the Pet Shop, your child can adopt puffles, buy them food and toys and play our new game, Puffle Launch.

Just like real pets, puffles need special care and attention. To ensure their puffles stay healthy and happy, your child should feed and play with them regularly. If not, they may return to their natural habitat.

Sneak Peek

Sneak Peak
Earth Day in Club Penguin will support wildlife initiatives, which protect the African Painted Dog and the Snow Leopard. Here's an exclusive sneak peak of what's in store at this party!

We'd love to know what you'd like to see in future newsletters. Click here to contact us.

Waddle On!  pretty cool huh?

- The Club Penguin Team

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